12 Meter University


August 15, 16 & 17, 2014

The New York Harbor Sailing Foundation is organizing a “12 Meter University” at North Cove from Friday, Aug 15 to Sunday, Aug 17.  This will be held on the America’s Cup 12 Meter “America II” (US 46).  The University is designed for sailors who wish to learn how to sail a 12 meter and possibly crew on America II this season or next.

The main educators will be Jim Plagenhoef and Michel Maeder.  Both have more than two America’s Cup campaigns in their backgrounds.  Jim engineered and designed the winch systems for 12 Meters and he rigs and de-rigs America II every year.  Michel ran the 2 boat 12 Meter program for Bill Koch.

These are both exceptionally talented and experienced 12 Meter sailors.  They are coming to Manhattan to teach others the ins and outs of 12 Meter sailing.


This University is open to experienced and beginner sailors.  Experienced sailors can apply for the genoa and mainsheet trimmer roles as well as mast pit, bow and navigator.  Beginning sailors can apply for grinding and backstay roles.

America II is a strong and powerful racing machine.  Certain positions require more strength, agility and balance than others.  The 12 Meter University is for serious and committed sailors. If you are interested in only a day sail, you can purchase tickets at https://nyharborsailing.com/america-2/public/

What you will get out of this University will depend on how much time you invest as well as your starting level.  Sailing a 12 Meter is an ultimate experience and it takes time, dedication and patience to reach the next level.


The 12 Meter University will run for 3 days – Friday, Saturday & Sunday, Aug 15, 16 & 17, 2014.  There will be two 3-hour sessions each day, morning from 10 am to 1 pm and afternoon from 2 to 5 pm.   Students are encouraged to sign up for multiple sessions.  The University in August will focus on rigging, boat handling and tacking.  Spinnaker will be reserved for a more advanced university session next season.

University participants should focus and study one position during their sessions.  A minimum of two sessions is anticipated to achieve basic knowledge.  More sessions are encouraged for those who wish to be serious.  Sailors recognize our sport is weather dependent and practicing across a variety of conditions generates valuable experience.

If you complete two or more University sessions and achieve a basic level of proficiency, may be invited to be part of the volunteer crew on America II for this season and next.  America II goes sailing for corporate entertaining and team building events some weekdays and also does public sails on weekends.  These sails are the main way the Foundation raises money to support and preserve America II.


Participants who receive education through the 12 Meter University are requested to make a donation to the New York Harbor Sailing Foundation to help support and preserve America II.  The suggested donation is $250 per session.  The New York Harbor Sailing Foundation is a non-profit which is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) organization.  Donations to the Foundation are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Following are crew positions:

Bow – rig jib/genoa, guide hoist of sail, operate at bow of boat, guide sail down, main person in charge of all aspects of genoa/jib including folding & storing.  Responsible for storing dock lines and fenders below deck as well as getting them out at end of sail.

Mast Pit – control halyards and boom topping life.  Tail genoa halyard on hoist.  Main person in charge of setting up and inspecting all halyards and coiling and washing at end of day.

Grinders – learn about how the winches and coffer grinders operate, learn to shift from 1st to 2nd & 3rd gears.  Learn to engage both  grinders together or operate as a single.  Help to raise main halyard and then to trim genoa/jib each tack.  Also learn to grind for mainsail.

Genoa/Jib Trimmers – responsible for hoisting main halyard as well as trimming genoa/jib in a manner which does not lead to crew danger or wear on equipment.  When hoisting the mainsail, the starboard trimmer hoists the halyard and the port trimmer is responsible for removing and storing the boom crutch.


Mainsheet Trimmer – responsible for trimming the mainsheet.  Responsible for the floating fender in the rear of the boat when departing and returning to dock.

Backstays – this is an introductory position on the boat and can be handled by people who do not have to be large or physically.  But operating the backstays properly is extremely important as they prevent the $50,000 mast from breaking.  Responsible for passing out waters to crew to stay hydrated while sailing.

Navigator – this position is responsible to ensure America II does not run aground, hit anything as well as get into danger with commercial traffic in the harbor.  The navigator must keep looking around to see where the other boats and buoys are located.  Responsible for operating VHF radio.

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